I and love and you homemade raw dog food is a 100% grain-free, whole nutrition food for your pet. Formulated for all ages and breeds of dogs, our red meat medley recipe is made with pork, wild boar, sweet potatoes, veggies and fruit. With balanced ingredients for whole pet health, “happy tummeez plus” also supports healthy digestion with added enzymes, prebiotics and probiotics. This product contains no corn, wheat, soy, rice, gluten, fillers, by-product meals, artificial preservatives, flavors or colors. I and love and you homemade raw dog food, red meat medley comes in convenient 23 lb. Bags.this truly is the ultimate dry dog food.
country of origin : united states
is gmo free : yes
size : 23 lb
pack of : 1
selling unit : each
ingredients : pork;beef meal;herring meal;peas;chickpeas;pea protein;dried egg product;canola oil;preserved with mixed tocopherols;pea starch;wild boar;sweet potatoes;pork liver;dried carrots;whole ground flaxseeds;ground miscanthus grass;natural flavors;olive oil;vitamin a supplement;vitamin d3 supplement;vitamin e supplement;niacin supplement;pantothenic acid;pyridoxine hydrochloride;riboflavin supplement;folic acid;biotin;vitamin b12 supplement;choline chloride;potassium chloride;apples;yeast culture;sodiu
keywords : care;free;grain;holistic;kibble;natural;pet;raw
country of origin : united states
is gmo free : yes
size : 23 lb
pack of : 1
selling unit : each
ingredients : pork;beef meal;herring meal;peas;chickpeas;pea protein;dried egg product;canola oil;preserved with mixed tocopherols;pea starch;wild boar;sweet potatoes;pork liver;dried carrots;whole ground flaxseeds;ground miscanthus grass;natural flavors;olive oil;vitamin a supplement;vitamin d3 supplement;vitamin e supplement;niacin supplement;pantothenic acid;pyridoxine hydrochloride;riboflavin supplement;folic acid;biotin;vitamin b12 supplement;choline chloride;potassium chloride;apples;yeast culture;sodiu
keywords : care;free;grain;holistic;kibble;natural;pet;raw