The honest kitchen grain free chicken recipe dog food is made 100% human-grade ingredients. Our recipe contains dehydrated chicken, potatoes and celery, so all you have to do is add love and water when your dog gets hungry. Choose this recipe to give your pet everything dogs love and none of the gmos, preservatives or fillers you don't. This 4 lb. Box yields 16 lbs. Of food, and one box lasts between three and 64 days, depending on your dog's size and activity level.
country of origin : united states
size : 4 lb
pack of : 1
selling unit : each
keywords : gourmet;high;human;meal;organic;pet;poultry;quality
country of origin : united states
size : 4 lb
pack of : 1
selling unit : each
keywords : gourmet;high;human;meal;organic;pet;poultry;quality