Wellness 95% turkey dog food is a great source of crude proteins, crude fats and crude fiber for your dog. This product comes in one 13.2 oz. Can. At wellness, we care about your dog's health. The food available to them is often high in sugars and full of filler, but we want to give them the diet their bodies naturally need. That's why you'll find our ingredients consist of high-quality meat and natural flavors, with no grain and nothing artificial. Trust wellness to keep your dog fit and healthy.
country of origin : united states
is gluten free : yes
size : 13.2 oz
pack of : 12
selling unit : case
keywords : grain-free;healthy;high-protein;pet
country of origin : united states
is gluten free : yes
size : 13.2 oz
pack of : 12
selling unit : case
keywords : grain-free;healthy;high-protein;pet