Wellness pate turkey and salmon entree smooth loaf cat food is made from real turkey and salmon with addition of various vitamins and minerals to provide a healthy, natural meal for your feline friend. One can contains 5.5 oz. Of cat food, which converts to 167 calories of metabolized energy. We supplement turkey and salmon with flaxseed to fulfill your cat's need for omega 3 fatty acids and add carrots to provide fiber and antioxidants.
country of origin : united states
is gluten free : yes
size : 5.5 oz
pack of : 24
selling unit : case
keywords : animal;dry;healthy;kitten;nutritious;pet;wet
country of origin : united states
is gluten free : yes
size : 5.5 oz
pack of : 24
selling unit : case
keywords : animal;dry;healthy;kitten;nutritious;pet;wet