Wellness turkey & sweet potato formula dog food combines whole-food ingredients, such as deboned turkey, sweet potatoes, carrots and flaxseed, so you can feel good about serving it to your precious pup. Formulated to meet aafco's nutritional levels for growth and maintenance, this dog food comes with our wellness satisfaction guarantee. One can contains 12.5 oz. Of turkey and sweet potato formula dog food.
country of origin : united states
size : 12.5 oz
pack of : 12
selling unit : case
ingredients : turkey;turkey broth;turkey liver;ground barley;sweet potatoes;carrots;ground flaxseed;carrageenan;canola oil;guar gum;potassium chloride;salt;tricalcium phosphate;iron proteinate;zinc proteinate;choline chloride;vitamin e supplement;cobalt proteinate;copper proteinate;manganese proteinate;riboflavin supplement;sodium selenite;thiamine mononitrate;vitamin a supplement;vitamin b-12 supplement;potassium iodide;biotin;vitamin d-3 supplement
keywords : canine;carrots;flaxseed;healthy;meal;nutrition;pet;pooch;pup
country of origin : united states
size : 12.5 oz
pack of : 12
selling unit : case
ingredients : turkey;turkey broth;turkey liver;ground barley;sweet potatoes;carrots;ground flaxseed;carrageenan;canola oil;guar gum;potassium chloride;salt;tricalcium phosphate;iron proteinate;zinc proteinate;choline chloride;vitamin e supplement;cobalt proteinate;copper proteinate;manganese proteinate;riboflavin supplement;sodium selenite;thiamine mononitrate;vitamin a supplement;vitamin b-12 supplement;potassium iodide;biotin;vitamin d-3 supplement
keywords : canine;carrots;flaxseed;healthy;meal;nutrition;pet;pooch;pup